
Stephanie Sivinski is a trial lawyer that knows the value of effectively communicating her clients’ stories—both in written advocacy and in the courtroom. Stephanie focuses on complex federal-court litigation and has won trial victories in high-stakes cases ranging from patent-infringement to breach-of-contract matters. Her clients pioneer technology ranging from semiconductor manufacturing to pharmaceuticals, and thermodynamics to wireless networks.

Stephanie takes an authentic, honest approach to litigation that builds trust with the court and the jury. No matter what the stage of litigation, from motion practice to jury and bench trials, to oral arguments and appellate briefs, clients benefit from Stephanie’s exceptional ability to convey necessary technical details while focusing on the important legal and factual issues.

Before lending her skills to patent, copyright, and trade-secret disputes, Stephanie served as a judicial law clerk to a United States District Judge. Stephanie also has a significant scientific background, which enables her to effectively communicate complex technical or scientific concepts in the service of her clients. While pursuing an undergraduate degree in genetics, Stephanie developed a working knowledge of organic chemistry, biochemistry, analytical chemistry, microbiology, and molecular genetics. As an undergraduate research assistant, she frequently performed DNA amplification, reverse transcription, and gel electrophoresis techniques.

In addition to her civil litigation practice, Stephanie has devoted significant time to pro bono matters. She currently represents an inmate on Texas death row and conducted several key witness examinations during multiple weeks-long evidentiary hearings. She also frequently represents Dallas residents looking to combat crime on their streets using nuisance laws.

Stephanie is a Barrister of the Hon. Barbara M.G. Lynn American Inn of Court, and a member of the IP Section Council of the Dallas Bar Association. She is the recipient of numerous professional awards and recognition, most recently including:

  • Texas Lawyer “On the Rise” Attorney, 2020 (Texas Legal Awards)
  • D Magazine "Best Lawyers Under 40," 2020-2021 (D Magazine Partners)
  • Law360 "Legal Lion" for a defense victory in an intellectual property trial in the Eastern District of Texas, 2019
  • Texas Super Lawyers “Rising Star,” 2018-2020 (Thomson Reuters)
  • Best Lawyers in America "Ones to Watch," 2021-2022 (Woodward/White, Inc.)
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  • Successfully resolved a seven-patent matter against MediaTek Inc. and MediaTek USA Inc. in the Western District of Texas (6:20-cv-1210). MediaTek was one of eight other chip designers sued by Ocean Semiconductor for alleged use of technology for automated process control of semiconductor manufacturing. The case proceeded through Markman and significant discovery, including of multiple third parties, before resolving.
  • As second-chair trial lawyer, won defense verdict for Korean manufacturer of semiconductor equipment and its founder (E.D. Tex.). The plaintiffs sought over $100 million in actual and punitive damages. After deliberating less than two hours, the jury returned a verdict of non-infringement, no tortious interference, and no conspiracy, and awarded the plaintiffs only $622,000 on a single contract claim. The jury also awarded the founder $1.36 million—every penny sought—on his contract counterclaim.
  • Obtained favorable jury verdict, including invalidity of an asserted patent, for leading WAN technology company. (E.D.Tex.)
  • Won summary judgment of non-infringement for oil-and-gas operator against non-practicing entity. (E.D.Tex.)
  • Obtained dispositive claim construction for semiconductor manufacturer in patent-infringement case relating to semiconductor fabrication techniques in the Eastern District of Texas. The construction was upheld by the Federal Circuit.
  • Won summary judgment requiring disbursement of escrow account in post-closing indemnification dispute. (Delaware Chancery Court)
  • Defended inventors of laser ultrasound technology against patent-infringement claims brought by former employer. The client was able to reach a settlement in this matter. (N.D.Tex.)
  • Defended a non-profit organization against claims of copyright infringement and breach of contract, helping to reach a very favorable settlement for the client. (E.D.Va.)
  • Dallas Bar Association Intellectual Property Section, Young Lawyers Committee, President, 2019; Member, 2017-present
  • DFW Women in IP
  • ChIPs
  • March of Dimes, Breakfast with a Champion Committee (2017)
  • Recognized as a patent industry leader by Patexia, Inc., 2025
  • Included in the "Ones to Watch" category of Best Lawyers in America, Woodward/White, Inc., 2021-2022
  • Recognized in D Magazine's "Best Lawyers Under 40," D Magazine Partners, 2020-2021
  • Selected as an “On the Rise” attorney by Texas Lawyer, Texas Legal Awards, 2020
  • Recognized as a "Legal Lion" by Law360 for a defense victory in an intellectual property trial in the Eastern District of Texas, 2019
  • Selected for inclusion in Texas Super Lawyers Rising Stars, Thomson Reuters, 2018-2020
  • Advocates for Community Transformation Summer Justice Series, panelist, Dallas, June 13, 2019.
  • Generation Justice Panelist; Advocates for Community Transformation Fall Benefit, Dallas, April 25, 2019
  • Dallas Bar Association's CLE: 2018 State of Intellectual Property Law Address, speaker, Dallas, TX, November 30, 2018. 
  • Ownership and Liability in AI; Hon. Lee Yeakel Inn of Court, Austin, November 7, 2018.
  • “TV Eyes- Fair Use is Risky Business”; Intellectual Property & Technology Law Journal, June 2018.
  • Vanda v. West-Ward: This Time, Dosage Adjustment Claims are Patent Eligible Subject Matter”; IP Watchdog Blog, May 16, 2018.
    “Patents for Entrepreneurs”, speaker, Project Lead the Way State Conference, Dallas, TX, February 13, 2018.
  • "Federal Circuit Appeals From the PTAB: A New Game or Just the Same Old Practice," author, Journal of the Patent & Trademark Office Society, November 22, 2013.
  • "Federal Circuit Appeals From the PTAB: A New Game or Just the Same Old Practice?" co-author, Haynes and Boone White Paper, February 1, 2013.
  • "Putting Too Many (Fertilized) Eggs in One Basket: Methods of Reducing Multifetal Pregnancies in the United States," author, 88 Texas L. Rev. 897 (2010).


J.D., The University of Texas School of Law, 2010, High Honors; Order of the Coif; Texas Law Review, Member; Winner, Bracewell and Giuliani Best Memo Competition, 2008

B.S., Genetics, Texas A&M University, 2007, summa cum laude; National Merit Scholar, 2003-2007


Judge Mark E. Fuller, United States District Court, Middle District of Alabama, 2010-2011



U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Court Admissions

United States Supreme Court

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit

U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas

U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas

U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas

U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas