Texas Business Courts Task Force

Effective Sept. 1, 2024, the new Texas Business Court and Fifteenth Court of Appeals will be open for business.

These new courts will present significant implications for businesses and individuals. Haynes Boone has developed a Texas Business Courts Task Force comprised of a group of interdisciplinary attorneys who have studied the courts since inception and are prepared to assist clients in understanding their significance and navigating their rules. Haynes Boone has one of the state’s leading business litigation practices and a deep background of experience in Texas law and procedure. The firm is well positioned to advise clients concerning these new Texas courts.

Task force members have presented, written and been quoted in the news on related issues. See below for attorney bios.

If you have questions, please contact Brad Foster, David Harper, Ben Mesches, or John Turner.
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Press Release
Haynes Boone Forms Task Force to Navigate New Texas Business Courts
June 17, 2024

Haynes and Boone, LLP has launched a specialized and multi-disciplinary task force in preparation for the new Texas Business Court and Fifteenth Court of Appeals, which are set to begin operations Sept. 1, 2024. Haynes Boone's task force combines the firm's nationally recognized commercial litigation practice and deep knowledge of corporate law in Delaware, Texas and other states. The team is equ [...]