Kelly Gehrke Lyle
Kelly Lyle is a member of the firm’s Intellectual Property Practice Group in Austin. Kelly’s practice focuses on preparing and prosecuting patent applications in a variety of technical fields, with a particular focus on semiconductor fabrication, integrated circuit devices, and optical systems. Kelly’s experience also includes preparing and participating in post-grant patent matters such inter partes reviews (IPRs) before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) and reexaminations, advising on patent licensing, rendering of patent opinions and developing defense positions. Prior to entering the legal field, Kelly worked in the semiconductor and telecommunications industries in both engineering and management roles.
Kelly Lyle is a member of the firm’s Intellectual Property Practice Group in Austin. Kelly’s practice focuses on preparing and prosecuting patent applications in a variety of technical fields, with a particular focus on semiconductor fabrication, integrated circuit devices, and optical systems. Kelly’s experience also includes preparing and participating in post-grant patent matters such inter partes reviews (IPRs) before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) and reexaminations, advising on patent licensing, rendering of patent opinions and developing defense positions. Prior to entering the legal field, Kelly worked in the semiconductor and telecommunications industries in both engineering and management roles.
- Preparing and prosecuting patent applications in various technologies including semiconductor fabrication, computer hardware and software, business methods, and circuit design
- Performing validity and infringement investigations and preparing related opinion letters
- Preparing patent re-examination requests and prosecution of inter partes reexaminations
- Ranked among the top 50 best performing attorneys in Patexia Inc.’s Patent Prosecution Intelligence Report, 2022.
B.S., Chemical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1997, magna cum laude
J.D., The University of Texas School of Law, 2006, with high honors, Order of the Coif
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Haynes Boone Ranks Among Top 5 Best Performing Firms in 2022 Patent Prosecution Intelligence Report
April 28, 2022