Andrew S. Ehmke
Andy Ehmke is primary counsel for many high-profile technology companies in inter partes review (IPR) proceedings and has been recognized as one of the “Best Performing Attorneys” representing petitioners before the U.S. Patent Trial and Appeal Board. His experience spans multiple decades, during which he has guided clients through licensing, technology and patent portfolio development and intellectual property litigation and disputes at the Patent Office and Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.
Andy has a degree in computer science, and has previously worked as an information systems consultant and software developer for hand-held computing devices. His technical areas of experience include software, networking, cloud-based computing and services, mobile devices and computing hardware. Andy continues software development as a hobby, and has co-written and developed Haynes Boone’s proprietary software for tracking, managing, and docketing IPR proceedings at the PTAB.
Andy Ehmke is primary counsel for many high-profile technology companies in inter partes review (IPR) proceedings and has been recognized as one of the “Best Performing Attorneys” representing petitioners before the U.S. Patent Trial and Appeal Board. His experience spans multiple decades, during which he has guided clients through licensing, technology and patent portfolio development and intellectual property litigation and disputes at the Patent Office and Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.
Andy has a degree in computer science, and has previously worked as an information systems consultant and software developer for hand-held computing devices. His technical areas of experience include software, networking, cloud-based computing and services, mobile devices and computing hardware. Andy continues software development as a hobby, and has co-written and developed Haynes Boone’s proprietary software for tracking, managing, and docketing IPR proceedings at the PTAB.
- State Bar of Texas, Intellectual Property Law Section
- PTAB Bar Association
- Adjunct Professor at SMU Dedman School of Law teaching Trials at the Patent Office
- Recognized as one of the "Top 100 Best Performing Attorneys" representing petitioners or patent owners (#11th) in Patexia Inc.'s PTAB Intelligence Report, 2023
- Recognized as one of the "Top 100 Best Performing Attorneys" representing petitioners (#3) in Patexia Inc.'s PTAB Intelligence Report, 2023
- Recognized as one of the "Top 100 Most Active Attorneys Overall" representing petitioners or patent owners (#52) in Patexia Inc.'s PTAB Intelligence Report, 2023
- Recognized as one of the "Top 100 Most Active Attorneys" representing petitioners (#15) in Patexia Inc.'s PTAB Intelligence Report, 2023
- Recognized as one of the “Best Performing Attorneys” representing petitioners (#4 out of 3,403 attorneys) in Patexia Inc.'s IPR Intelligence Report, 2022
- Recognized as one of the “Most Active Attorneys” representing petitioners (#31 out of 3,403 attorneys) in Patexia Inc.'s IPR Intelligence Report, 2022
- Recognized as a "Future Star" by Benchmark Litigation, Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC, 2018-2019, 2021-2022
- Recognized as a highly recommended "IP Star" by Managing IP Magazine, Euromoney Legal Media Group, 2012-2015, 2019-2024
- "Cybersecurity Law & Practice for the Generalist," panelist, University of Denver Sturm College of Law, March 10, 2021.
- “Where are we on IPRs? A Review of the Updated Trial Practice Guide, Claim Construction, and Federal Circuit Decision”, co-presenter, Dallas Bar Association IP Section meeting, Dallas, Texas, September 26, 2019.
- “2018 PTAB Update, co-presenter, Rocky Mountain Intellectual Property & Technology Law Institute, May 31, 2018.
- "Making Sense of the Patchwork of Cybersecurity Laws: What is Reasonable?" co-panelist, 31st Annual Advanced Intellectual Property Law Conference, February 7, 2018.
- "The Future of Patent Litigation and the PTAB," co-panelist, 4th Annual Corporate IP Strategy Conference, Santa Clara University, November 16, 2017.
- “PTAB Proceedings: New Rules and Key Practice Tips,” moderator, UT Advanced Patent Law Institute, November 3-4, 2016.
- “Patent Trial and Appeal Board Mock Trial,” co-presenter, 29th Annual Advanced Intellectual Property Law, Texas State Bar, San Antonio, TX, February 18-19, 2016.
- “Interplay of IPR and Litigation,” co-presenter, Advanced Patent Litigation Course, July 23, 2015.
- “Inter Partes Review Proceedings,” co-author, State Bar of Texas Annual Meeting, June 18-19, 2015.
- “Litigation Update – IPR Proceedings,” co-presenter, AIPLA 2015 Electronic & Comp Patent Law Summit, June 16, 2015.
- “Inter Partes Review in Patent Disputes," author, Corporate Disputes Magazine, July-September, 2014.
- “Cyber Security: Protecting Client Confidential Information," co-presenter, 31st Annual Advanced Business Bankruptcy Course, Texas State Bar, Houston, TX, February 20, 2014.
- “Federal Circuit Appeals From the PTAB: A New Game or Just the Same Old Practice," author, Journal of the Patent & Trademark Office Society, November 22, 2013.
- “IPRs and CBMs: Lessons Learned (So Far),” presenter, 51st Annual Conference on Intellectual Property Law, November 11-12, 2013.
- “America Invents Act: A Shift in Leverage?” presenter, 12th Annual Advanced In-House Counsel Course, Aug. 1-2, 2013.
- “Implications of the America Invents Act,” presenter, UT School of Law 26th Annual Technology Law Conference, May 23-24, 2013.
- “Federal Circuit Appeals From the PTAB: A New Game or Just the Same Old Practice?" co-author, Haynes and Boone White Paper, February 1, 2013.
- "Five Top Takeaways of the America Invents Act for Technology and Business Lawyers," speaker, UT School of Law 25th Annual Technology Law Conference, Austin, TX, May 24-25, 2012.
- "Intellectual Property Protection for the Cloud," author, Lexology, April 9, 2012.
- "Qimonda's Impact on Patent Licenses When a Licensor Goes Bankrupt in a Foreign Land," co-author, Lexology, January 9, 2012.
- "The Story Behind S.978, the Controversial Streaming Bill," quoted, Giant Bomb News, July 15, 2011.
- "PSN Hacked: What Sony's Security Breach Means for You (And What Comes Next)," quoted, Giant Bomb News, April 27, 2011.
- "Annual Review of Litigation, Chapter 3: Appellate Practice," contributor, American Bar Association, Section of Business Law, April 2011.
- "Privacy: Problems and Solutions," speaker, Game::Business::Law International Summit on the Law of Business of Video Games, Dallas, TX, January 26-27, 2011.
- "Legal Issues in Digital Distribution," moderator, Game::Business:Law, International Summit on the Law and Business of Video Games, March 16, 2010.
- "Innovation Fee: Surcharge on U.S. Patent & Trademark Protection," co-author, Lexology, February 5, 2010.
- Editor of the video game law blog Lawyers in a Gamer's World (www.lawyersinagamersworld.com).
B.S., Computer Science, Michigan State University, 1996
J.D., University of Dayton, 1999
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Court Admissions
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit

Haynes Boone and 15 Lawyers Achieve High Marks in 2024 Patexia PTAB Intelligence Report
September 24, 2024
Patexia Ranks Haynes Boone Appeal Practice 5th Out of Over 1,000 Firms
October 31, 2023