Blogs-Practical Benefits Lawyer

IRS Issues Notice Regarding Eligibility for Minimum Essential Coverage and the Premium Tax Credit

July 02, 2013
Under the Affordable Care Act (the ?Ç£Act?Ç¥), beginning in 2014, an individual may receive health insurance coverage through an ?Ç£affordable insurance exchange?Ç¥ that is subsidized by a premium tax credit under the Internal Revenue Code if the individual is (1) enrolled in a qualified health plan through an exchange and (2) not eligible for other minimum essential coverage (?Ç£MEC?Ç¥). ?áThe IRS recently issued Notice 2013-41, which provides guidance on whether, for purposes of the tax credit, an individual is considered ?Ç£eligible?Ç¥ for MEC under certain government-sponsored health programs or other coverage designated as MEC, including Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP. A copy of IRS Notice 2013-41 is available?áhere.