
Lawlor in Bloomberg Law: ‘Survival of Influencer's Suit Threatens More IP Takedown Fights’

December 16, 2024

Haynes Boone Partner Joe Lawlor explained to Bloomberg Law how a federal judge's ruling allowing an influencer's lawsuit to move forward is likely to encourage content creators to file more takedown requests against competitors.

Read an excerpt below:

“Decisions like this will make folks feel empowered,” Haynes Boone partner Joe Lawlor said. “Other creators could see the success of this suit and file takedown requests against competing creators” and lead to “influencers being more aggressive,” he added. …

A circuit split could emerge over varied interpretations of the DMCA, Lawlor said, and “platforms will have to be attuned to that.” In that scenario, he said some platforms will probably go with the most conservative approach.

Gifford’s suit has only survived the motion to dismiss stage, all of the attorneys noted, and her claims may still have to face summary judgment and a trial.

Read the full article here.

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