Haynes Boone Partner Dan Geyser was featured in an article from Commercial Dispute Resolution after the United States Supreme Court sided with Haynes Boone in a case that provides important clarity on how federal courts should handle countless arbitration cases across the country.
Justice Sotomayor shut down the respondent’s assertions that district courts are intrinsically authorised to dismiss litigation subject to arbitration, referring to the case of Degen v United States and holding that section 3 “overrides any discretion a district court might otherwise have had to dismiss a suit when the parties have agreed to arbitration”, and found for the petitioners.
Geyser, who acted for the petitioners, said in a statement: “Today’s decision establishes the proper way for federal courts to handle arbitration cases across the country [and] secures a necessary backstop that protects litigant rights if an arbitration falls through.” Geyser further added: “The Court’s decision is short, sweet, and exactly right. We are gratified the Court saw the issues our way, and we are thrilled for our clients – who are now positioned to obtain a long-awaited adjudication of their claims.”
To read the full article in Commercial Dispute Resolution, click here.