Domain Name Disputes
Haynes Boone attorneys have a broad range of experience resolving domain name disputes and acquiring currently owned domain names from squatters and competitors for our clients. Our attorneys have years of experience successfully resolving domain name disputes, both nationally and internationally. Our attorneys routinely litigate domain name disputes in state and federal court and obtain resolution of domain disputes before the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).
We have extensive experience policing and enforcing trademark rights regarding domain names under the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) and the Anti-Cybersquating Consumer Protection Act (ACPA). Our attorneys have enforced and protected domain name rights and numerous ancillary claims, including claims for breach of contract, fraud, and pretexting. Whether your company’s valuable domain name rights are under attack by a competitor, or whether you are seeking to stop a cybersquatter from infringing your trademark rights, our attorneys have the tools and experience necessary to efficiently pursue the best possible results.
Additionally, we often acquire currently owned domain names for our clients when our clients either lack legal options for forcing a transfer or simply prefer a voluntary transfer. Generally, this is achieved through negotiation with, or acquisition of, a domain name owner.

Haynes Boone Again Ranked Among Nation’s Top Trademark Prosecution Firms
June 14, 2022