Ernesto Vega is an associate in the International Practice Group in Haynes Boone’s Mexico City office.

Ernesto’s practice focuses mainly on tax matters, including tax planning, consulting, and litigation, as well as various foreign trade and customs matters.

He has been involved in tax strategies developed for both domestic and international corporations, as well as in helping a variety of companies, in various customs and foreign trade matters and has worked with companies in the food and beverage sectors as well as in the oil and gas, retail, chemical, pharmaceutical, tobacco and textile industries.

Ernesto's tax practice also extends to tax refund procedures for unduly paid taxes and those generated as a credit balance resulting from daily or exceptional company operations. He has also been involved in representing clients before tax and customs authorities in national disputes, and in administrative litigation before local and federal courts.

On the matter of foreign trade, his consulting includes advice on tariff classification of goods, verifying and processing import/export permits, classifying taxes, review, analysis and application of rules of origin contained in various Free Trade Agreements, securing incentives, procedures related to bonded warehouses, applying for and obtaining the IMMEX and PROSEC program authorizations, as well as the VAT and OEA Certifications, applying for and obtaining the General and Sectorial Importer’s Registry, representing importers and exporters in antidumping investigation proceedings and in sunset review proceedings, representing companies in administrative procedures (PAMAs) before local and federal customs authorities, as well as in customs audits and verification of origin procedures, advice on the applicability and compliance with Mexican Official Standards (NOMs), as well as evaluating compliance with Non-Tariff Regulations and Restrictions (RRNAs) to which various goods are subject for their importation and marketing in national territory and specific legal advice on the import, export and domestic marketing and manufacturing of products and services in the following sectors and industries: food and beverages, alcoholic beverages, cosmetics and similar products, chemical precursors and hazardous chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers and toxic substances, health supplies, medical devices and services, tobacco products and their derivatives, as well as non-tobacco products (vapers, electronic cigarettes, nicotine products).

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  • Representation of clients before the Mexican tax and customs authorities in disputes, as well as administrative litigation.
  • Elaboration of administrative appeals, nullity petitions and Amparo claims (constitutional claims) against resolutions issued by the Mexican Tax and Customs Authorities (SAT).
  • “Mexico”, co-author, Amendments to Health Supplies Regulation, Lexology, July 2021.
  • “Mexico”, co-author, Administrative measures to expedite marketing authorisation process for foreign medicines and health supplies, Lexology, December 2020.
  • “México”, co-author, Outpatient medical care facility infrastructure and equipment in times of technological advances, Lexology, July 2020.
  • “Mexico”, co-author, Tobacco yes, marijuana yes, vaping no: absurd approach to major health problem, Lexology, August 2020.


Law Degree, Universidad Anahuac del Norte, 2021



