The U.S. Department of Labor (?ãDOL?ÃÂ¥) recently released model notices in Spanish that employers may use to provide their employees with notice of coverage options available to them in the new health insurance marketplaces, or ?ãexchanges.?ÃÂ¥ ?áThe Spanish-language notices are translations of the two model notices the DOL published last month coincident with Technical Release 2013-2, which contains guidance on the notices required by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Effective October 1, 2013, employers must provide such notices to all current employees and to all newly hired employees within 14 days of their start dates.?á A copy of Technical Release 2013-2 can be found here.?á The Spanish-language model notice for employers who offer a health plan to some or all employees can be found here.?á The Spanish-language model notice for employers who do not offer a health plan is available here.
Blogs-Practical Benefits Lawyer
DOL Issues Model Notices of Coverage Options in Spanish
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- Jacob Bourne
- Director of Media Relations