
Lawlor on ABC7 Bay Area: Biden Calls for Ban on AI Voice Generations During State of the Union

March 11, 2024

Haynes Boone Partner Joe Lawlor joined ABC7 Bay Area to discuss the regulation of AI, following President Biden’s remarks during the State of the Union promising to ban AI-voice impersonation.

Lawlor said Biden's comments could mean he wants to expand protections against AI generated voices.

"I think what Biden is talking about is broader than that and he wants to talk about the use of AI generated voice in any medium," Lawlor said, "Posts on the internet, video songs, etc., that generally falls under Right of Publicity law."

Right of Publicity law varies state by state.

"This is an emerging technology so you have a situation where it could be dealt with differently in every state," Lawlor said, "So when I hear Biden talk about outlawing AI voice impersonation, I think he's referring to a potential federal law that would cover all AI voice impersonation in all the states."

To read the full story on ABC7 Bay Area's website, click here.