Haynes Boone Partner David Bell was quoted in World Trademark Review, IPWatchdog, ManagingIP and World IP Review articles regarding the US Patent and Trademark Office rejecting Steve Elster’s initial application for TRUMP TOO SMALL - a brand name intended to mock the former president - and how the Supreme Court is now reviewing that decision.
Read an excerpt from the World Trademark Review article below:
Haynes Boone partner David Bell tells WTR that a ruling in favor of Elster may also make it easier to challenge other restrictions to trademark registration. “The Court could use this case to opine for the first time on whether the grant of a trademark registration impacts free speech – rather than, as the USPTO contends, merely constitutes a condition on government benefits,” Bell explains. “If the Court affirmatively states that it does, then Section 2(c) could be vulnerable to being struck down, and the case could open the door to challenges to other bars to registration.”
To read the full article from World Trademark Review, click here.
To read the full article from IPWatchdog, click here.
To read the full article from ManagingIP, click here.
To read the full article from World IP Review, click here.